North Carolina Ranked #7 for Aerospace Manufacturing

The 2019 aerospace manufacturing attractiveness rankings conducted by PricewaterhouseCooper (PwC) ranks North Carolina at #7 for the best state for aerospace manufacturing. PwC ranked states based on aerospace manufacturing cost, economy, infrastructure, labor, industry and tax policies.
North Carolina’s 2019 rankings are:
- Cost: #19
- Labor: #24
- Infrastructure: #38
- Industry: #6
- Economy: #9
- Tax policy: #4
Cabarrus County Schools (CCS) is preparing for continued growth in the aerospace industry and is opening its first Academy of Aviation and Aerospace at West Cabarrus High School in August 2020. Developed by the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, the four-year academy will offer comprehensive aviation study options that are aligned to rigorous math and science standards used in many states nationwide.
>> Read: CEDC Joins CCS for a Tour of the FlyRight Facility in Concord